When emailing with clients, customers, and prospective stakeholders, it’s important you present yourself in a professional way. This includes any messages and emails you send on networking platforms such as LinkedIn. Not only can it help create a positive impression of you or your business, but it can also encourage recipients to take the next step.
If you’re wondering how to end an email on LinkedIn, read on to find out exactly how you can do so in our blog – written by LinkedIn content marketing experts. We’ll even provide examples of email closings depending on the situation, as well as discuss the importance of doing so properly.
Does LinkedIn have an email feature?
Yes and no. LinkedIn has its own premium messaging feature called LinkedIn InMail. This allows those with LinkedIn premium accounts to message non-connections instantly on the platform. This will also be sent as an email to their inbox alerting them of their InMail message notification.
Why is it important to know how to end an email?
Ending an email formally with a proper sign-off is important for any business, especially when it comes to engaging with prospects and potential collaborators. But why is it a vital step in your communications?
It shows you’re considerate
The first reason why it’s important to know how to end an email is that it shows you’re considerate. For example, if you sign off without saying thank you – and this person has spent minutes out of their busy day reading your email, it doesn’t leave a good lasting impression. It might sound simplistic, but signing off with heartfelt gratitude will encourage these prospects to see you as a business they can trust.
Conveys your/your company’s professionalism
Another reason why it’s a good idea to sign off your emails in a polished, receptive way is that it conveys your company’s professionalism. For example, signing off with your full name and contact details demonstrates the level of seriousness you have regarding the communication and that you’re ready to engage professionally.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can look for someone’s email on LinkedIn, take a look at our handy guide.
Evokes good communication skills
Being a caring individual isn’t just necessary for personal relationships, but for your professional ones too. It shows your prospective clients/customers that you have good communication skills. And that you’re approachable, helpful, and friendly. This shows clients and customers that they can rely on you for the same level of care in your services.
How to end an email professionally on LinkedIn
To end an email on LinkedIn, there are several steps you should ensure you take so your messages are polished and have a professional tone. StraightIn’s founder, Zac Hancox, outlines them below:
Finish with a closing paragraph
“It’s always helpful to begin your email sign-off by ending with a closing paragraph. This should explain what sort of action you want the recipient to take (e.g. get in touch, visit the website, etc), as well as briefly express your gratitude for them taking the time to read the email.”
Ensure you use a professional sign-off
“Next, ensure you sign off the email professionally. This means using professional valediction such as ‘Kind regards’, ‘Sincerely’, ‘Best wishes’, etc. Which one you use depends on the type of action you want the recipient to take. If you’ve left the ball in their court ‘With gratitude’ would fit nicely. If it’s a general email outlining your products and services, ‘Kind regards’ will suffice.”
Add your contact information
“Finally, add your contact information at the bottom of your email. This includes your full name and job title, as well as your contact number and even your business website. This makes it easier for the recipient to get in touch with you if they wish to do so. Ensure your primary email on LinkedIn is up-to-date too.”
Examples of how to end an email on LinkedIn:
Now, let’s take a look at some example email templates you can use depending on the person you are contacting on LinkedIn.
To a prospective customer
To end an email to a prospective customer on LinkedIn, ensure the email itself is concise and to the point. Prospects won’t want to spend a lot of time reading an email from a brand they have yet to use, so make sure you give them a reason to engage. You can also be a bit more sales-y in your messaging as it is an individual you want to buy from you, not a collaboration.
Example: “We know that every minute counts in your (insert career here), which is why we have designed (your product/service) to help meet your needs. Find out more about how our business can help you here (link to company website), or get in touch via our contact details below or feel free to respond to this message directly!
(insert contact details, full name, job title, and your business website)
To a prospective client/business collaborator
With a prospective client, it’s important to showcase that these are equal parts of a relationship that helps the other out. It’s better to personalise these messages even more, to showcase your professional yet approachable tone and build a rapport from the get-go.
Example: “Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I understand every minute is vital to your current business, which is why I’d love to hear more about your goals and objectives for the coming year. Let me know if you’d be open to a quick call where I can explain how our products/services could support your business needs. I’m more than happy to work around a time that suits you.
“I look forward to hearing from you!
“Kind regards,”
(insert contact details, full name, job title, and your business website)
Receive a bespoke LinkedIn strategy and achieve the results you need, with help from StraightIn
To effectively promote your business on LinkedIn, it’s important to create a strategy that leverages the platform’s key features to achieve your desired results. But, with little time left after running the day-to-day operations of your business, it can be hard to secure this type of success.
Luckily for you, you can get help from the experts at StraightIn. Thanks to our years of experience within the industry, we know what it takes to create an effective strategy that works, no matter the size of your business, the location, or your industry.
Our services include Outreach Marketing, LinkedIn Advertising, Content Marketing, and Personal Branding. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you. Call 0161 518 4740, or email grow@straight-in.co.uk.