Read receipts are a prominent feature on many communications platforms. And if you’re wondering ‘Does LinkedIn have read receipts?’ the answer is yes. Users on the platform can utilise the read receipts feature to see if recipients have opened their messages or not. 

But just how does this function work? And how can you tell if someone has theirs turned on or not?

Well, as a LinkedIn marketing agency, we want to help you answer these questions. Read on to find out more in our blog below…

Does LinkedIn have read receipts?

Yes, LinkedIn does have read receipts as part of its instant messaging service. This goes for LinkedIn messages as well as LinkedIn InMails – which are the premium version that allows users to contact non-connections.

How does LinkedIn read receipts work?

LinkedIn read receipts work by showing the person’s profile image by their message once they read it. If it just has a tick next to the message, but the person’s profile image is at a message you’ve sent further up, this means the message has been delivered but they haven’t read it yet.

But this could also mean they don’t have their read receipts turned on – especially if you can’t see their LinkedIn profile picture by any of the images.

How to turn on read receipts on/off LinkedIn

If you’re interested in finding out how to turn read receipts on and off on LinkedIn, take a look at the steps involved below:

1. First, open LinkedIn and log in using your username and password.

2. Then, hover your mouse over your profile picture. This will provide several options for you to click on, but make sure you tap on the ‘Settings’ button.

3. In settings, click on ‘Data Privacy’.

linkedin data privacy

4. Under ‘Messaging experience’, click on read receipts and typing indicators. Here, you can switch the toggle on and off.

linkedin delivery indicators

5. The process is the same for mobile devices too – just follow the same format on the mobile app.

Who should activate the read receipts feature on LinkedIn

Several types of people using the platform should ensure the read receipts feature on LinkedIn is turned on. This applies to:

Sales teams

Sales teams should definitely ensure their read receipts on LinkedIn are enabled. This helps them to track the performance of their prospect messaging for key metrics, such as:

  • Message delivery
  • Open rates
  • Click through rates
  • Conversions

Another reason why sales teams should enable their read receipts feature is because it allows them to know when they should follow up with a prospect or not. For example, if a prospect hasn’t replied but has read the message, it might indicate that they have forgotten to respond.


Recruiters should also look to turn their read receipts on. This will help them know if a candidate is interested in a role quickly.

As recruiting can be a time-sensitive process, recruiters need the answers to these questions fairly quickly to ensure they can move on to other potential candidates.

Those looking to expand their professional network

Those looking to expand and build upon their existing professional network may also benefit from enabling LinkedIn read receipts.

Not only can it help them in knowing what individuals are interested in building a rapport, but if recipients can see that you have read a message – and you respond quickly – it shows them that you are particularly interested in engaging with them. In turn, this might encourage them to speak with you further.

The pros and cons of turning your read receipts on

There are several pros and cons to turning your read receipts on. Learn what they are here:

Pro: identify where to follow up

One pro to turning your read receipts on is that you can identify where you need to follow up with certain individuals. This streamlines your prospecting process as you’re not left wondering whether someone has opened a message or not.

Pro: gauge interest

Another pro to turning read receipts on is that you can gauge the interest of the people you’re prospecting. If you haven’t turned them on, you won’t be able to see whether the recipient has opened their message or not, and will therefore be left thinking about if they are interested in the products/services you are selling. With read receipts, the answer is clear and final.

Con: pressure to respond

One con of turning read receipts on is that it can mean you feel pressured to respond to others. For example, if you open a message of something that wants you to take a course of action, you might feel like you need to do it immediately as they can see you’ve opened the message.

Con: inconsistent indicator

Having your read receipts on isn’t always a consistent indicator of interest, or if the recipient has even read the message. In fact, the recipient might have even opened the message with the intention of reading and replying as soon as possible but was distracted. As a result, you might not bother following up with them even if they are a high-quality lead.

How to turn on/off read receipts on LinkedIn: FAQs

Why do read receipts sometimes not work?

The most common reason why read receipts won’t work on LinkedIn is because the person you’re sending a message to might not have theirs enabled. But, another reason could be that either parties have a poor internet connection and you are therefore unable to see if it has been delivered.

Can I see a person’s read receipts if I have mine turned on?

No, you can’t see a person’s read receipts if you have yours turned on. And if you have yours turned off, you won’t be able to see another person’s read receipts if theirs are turned on. 

For more information on how to know if someone has read your message on LinkedIn, check out our blog.

Boost conversions with a LinkedIn marketing strategy that works, from the experts at StraightIn

If you’re using LinkedIn with the hopes of driving company growth, but aren’t getting the results you want, it might be the result of an ineffective strategy. And if you’re short on time with little experience of how to get the most out of your LinkedIn marketing, it can be hard to produce a strategy that makes an impact.

Well, if you work with StraightIn, we can help you with every aspect of your LinkedIn marketing. From Outreach Marketing and LinkedIn Advertising, Content Marketing, and Personal Branding, we know what it takes to deliver tangible results in the form of high-quality leads, increased website traffic, and boosted conversions.